Saturday, August 20, 2011

To the Top of the Waterfall

Saturday - August 13

We woke up early in order to try to watch the sunrise. Despite sleeping on the ground in a tent, I actually felt pretty well rested and ready to start the day.

Justin, Susanne, Jamie and I were the only ones who thought getting up for the sunrise was a good idea. We went to the shore, but unfortunately, it was overcast towards the east. Still, it was nice enjoying the stillness of the early morning.

This was about as much of a sunrise as we saw that morning.

After the "sunrise", we went back to camp to eat breakfast. This was our morning for breakfast, so we fried up our breakfast burritos. They were delicious and really easy to cook up. While they take a little more preparation before hand, I would suggest them for future trips. After breakfast, we went through the process of cleaning, packing, and everything else we needed to get done before we could be on our way. A few guys went back to the lake to fill up everybody's  water bottles.

With everything packed up, we put on our backpacks and were ready to go.

We had about 2 miles to hike going parallel to Lake Superior before we needed to turn inland.

After a short little bit, we came on a river ( I think it was the Big Carp River) emptying into Lake Superior. At this point in the trail, there were several cabins which were complete with out houses. So several of our group thought it was a good time to take advantage of the facilities. While they were doing that, Justin and I were having fun by the river.

We then headed inland up the Cross Trail.

Eventually, we stopped for a short break where we fueled up with some trail mix.

After going 4.5 miles inland on the Cross Trail, we came to the Little Carp River Trail. At this point in the day, we all decided it would be a good time to stop for lunch.

We were all starting to get pretty tired after lunch. We were glad to hear that our next planned camp site wasn't too far up the trail. So, we took off looking forward to our next stop. After quite a while, we began to wonder when we were going to come across it. There was supposed to be a cluster of three campsites, which should have been easy to spot. But apparently not. Eventually, we ran into another hiker, who informed us that we had indeed passed the three campsites, but there was another campsite up the trail about a mile or two. We could keep moving forward to the next camp site, or back track to the ones we passed. We all decided that we didn't want to cover the same ground twice, so we went on to the next camp site. This was by far the best decision we could have made. The next camp sight was absolutely AMAZING. It was nice and big, right along side of the Little Carp River. Only a little ways down river from the camp was Trapper's Falls.

We quickly set up camp so we could get to relax and enjoy the river and the waterfall.

Getting a chance to sit down and relax is much deserved after a long day of hiking with about 40 lbs. on your back.

And taking your shoes off is about as close to heaven on earth as you can get.

Once we got our tents set up and everything settled, we all went down to play in the river. The water was pretty cold, but anything to help rinse off the smell is worth it. Jon and I then thought it would be fun to try to climb Trapper's Falls. Everybody else thought that the rocks would be too slippery, but we went for it anyways. The rocks weren't as slippery as we feared. You just had to place each step carefully. The hard part was watching your step as the water raced by your feet. It was very dizzying. 

While everybody else was back at the camp doing various things, Justin and I went to take a few photos of Trapper's Falls. We got pretty engrossed in it, because we were taking pictures right up until dinner.

As you can probably tell, I really like waterfalls.

Eventually, we were dragged away from the waterfall for dinner. We had soup, hash browns, and sausage links. It was very delicious. I was constantly amazed through out the trip at how well we ate. You'd be surprised by what doesn't need to be refrigerated. For desert, we all enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate or cider. Full and satisfied, we sat around the fire until it was time to call it a night.

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